"Mastering the Crucial Activities that Build a Million Dollar Business"
All Trainings Complete - Access EXTENDED to Friday, June 5th at midnight

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Dear ~Contact.FirstName~:

Yes, we've extended access to our 3-part Leadership series for one more week because of all of the requests we've received. You now have until Friday, June 5th to access and watch the replays.

We can't keep up with the demand of leadership inquiring about our 2015 All New Protégé Leadership Program and limited time special launch price offer and lifetime membership. Our coaches and I have been challenged with available times to accommodate leaders who want more information about our 2015 All New Protégé Leadership Program!

The Lifetime Membership and special launch pricing is only available until Friday, June 5th. Curious? Want more information? You have an opportunity to connect with a Lifeline Coach for a strategy session to experience coaching and answer your questions. Your experience with a Lifeline Coach will be extraordinary. They'll find out what you desire achieving personally and professionally, where you feel challenged and answer your questions about our Million Dollar Protégé Leadership Program.

Simply click on the link below and request your ideal date, day and time in between today and Friday, June 5th.

If you can't click the link, copy and paste in a browser

Curious about our ALL NEW Protégé Leadership Program? Click on the link below to view the limited time offer of Lifetime Membership and Special Pricing offer:

If you can't click the link, copy and paste it in a browser

If you have any questions reach out to our customer care team at (360) 828-8415 or email us at

Love and success,

Steve Q. Wiltshire, CEO
Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc.